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Question 1:

A large company runs workloads in VPCs that are deployed across hundreds of AWS accounts Each VPC consists of public subnets and private subnets that span across multiple Availability Zones NAT gateways are deployed in the public subnets and allow outbound connectivity to the internet from the private subnets.

A solutions architect is working on a hub-and-spoke design. All private subnets in the spoke VPCs must route traffic to the internet through an egress VPC The solutions architect already has deployed a NAT gateway in an egress VPC in a central AWS account

Which set of additional steps should the solutions architect take to meet these requirements?

A. Create peering connections between the egress VPC and the spoke VPCs Configure the required routing to allow access to the internet

B. Create a transit gateway, and share it with the existing AWS accounts. Attach existing VPCs to the transit gateway Configure the required routing to allow access to the internet.

C. Create a transit gateway in every account. Attach the NAT gateway to the transit gateways. Configure the required routing to allow access to the internet.

D. Create an AWS PrivateLink connection between the egress VPC and the spoke VPCs. Configure the required routing to allow access to the internet

Correct Answer: B


Question 2:

A company recently completed the migration from an on-premises data center to the AWS Cloud by using a replatforming strategy. One of the migrated servers is running a legacy Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) service that a critical application relies upon. The application sends outbound email messages to the company\’s customers. The legacy SMTP server does not support TLS encryption and uses TCP port 25. The application can use SMTP only.

The company decides to use Amazon Simple Email Service (Amazon SES) and to decommission the legacy SMTP server. The company has created and validated the SES domain. The company has lifted the SES limits.

What should the company do to modify the application to send email messages from Amazon SES?

A. Configure the application to connect to Amazon SES by using TLS Wrapper. Create an IAM role that has ses:SendEmail and ses:SendRawEmail permissions. Attach the IAM role to an Amazon EC2 instance.

B. Configure the application to connect to Amazon SES by using STARTTLS. Obtain Amazon SES SMTP credentials. Use the credentials to authenticate with Amazon SES.

C. Configure the application to use the SES API to send email messages. Create an IAM role that has ses:SendEmail and ses:SendRawEmail permissions. Use the IAM role as a service role for Amazon SES.

D. Configure the application to use AWS SDKs to send email messages. Create an IAM user for Amazon SES. Generate API access keys. Use the access keys to authenticate with Amazon SES.

Correct Answer: B

To set up a STARTTLS connection, the SMTP client connects to the Amazon SES SMTP endpoint on port 25, 587, or 2587, issues an EHLO command, and waits for the server to announce that it supports the STARTTLS SMTP extension. The client then issues the STARTTLS command, initiating TLS negotiation. When negotiation is complete, the client issues an EHLO command over the new encrypted connection, and the SMTP session proceeds normally To set up a TLS Wrapper connection, the SMTP client connects to the Amazon SES SMTP endpoint on port 465 or 2465. The server presents its certificate, the client issues an EHLO command, and the SMTP session proceeds normally. https:// docs.aws.amazon.com/ses/latest/dg/smtp-connect.html

Question 3:

A company runs a Java application that has complex dependencies on VMs that are in the company\’s data center. The application is stable. but the company wants to modernize the technology stack. The company wants to migrate the application to AWS and minimize the administrative overhead to maintain the servers.

Which solution will meet these requirements with the LEAST code changes?

A. Migrate the application to Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS) on AWS Fargate by using AWS App2Container. Store container images in Amazon Elastic Container Registry (Amazon ECR). Grant the ECS task execution role permission 10 access the ECR image repository. Configure Amazon ECS to use an Application Load Balancer (ALB). Use the ALB to interact with the application.

B. Migrate the application code to a container that runs in AWS Lambda. Build an Amazon API Gateway REST API with Lambda integration. Use API Gateway to interact with the application.

C. Migrate the application to Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS) on EKS managed node groups by using AWS App2Container. Store container images in Amazon Elastic Container Registry (Amazon ECR). Give the EKS nodes permission to access the ECR image repository. Use Amazon API Gateway to interact with the application.

D. Migrate the application code to a container that runs in AWS Lambda. Configure Lambda to use an Application Load Balancer (ALB). Use the ALB to interact with the application.

Correct Answer: A

By using AWS App2Container to migrate the application to Amazon ECS, the company can make the migration process easier. Additionally, using Amazon ECR to store the container images and granting the ECS task execution role permission to access the ECR image repository will minimize the administrative overhead to maintain the servers. Finally, configuring Amazon ECS to use an ALB and using the ALB to interact with the application will reduce the amount of code changes needed. This solution will allow the company to modernize their technology stack while minimizing the amount of code changes needed. You can refer to the AWS App2Container documentation for more information on how to use this service:https://aws.amazon.com/app2container/You can refer to the AWS Fargate documentation for more information on how to use this service:https://aws.amazon.com/fargate/You can refer to the AWS Elastic Container Service documentation for more information on how to use this service:https://aws.amazon.com/ecs/You can refer to the Amazon Elastic Container Registry documentation for more information on how to use this service:https://aws.amazon.com/ecr/ You can refer to the Application Load Balancer documentation for more information on how to use this service: https://aws.amazon.com/ elasticloadbalancing/applicationloadbalancer/

Question 4:

A company wants to manage the costs associated with a group of 20 applications that are infrequently used, but are still business-critical, by migrating to AWS. The applications are a mix of Java and Node.js spread across different instance clusters. The company wants to minimize costs while standardizing by using a single deployment methodology.

Most of the applications are part of month-end processing routines with a small number of concurrent users, but they are occasionally run at other times Average application memory consumption is less than 1 GB. though some applications use as much as 2.5 GB of memory during peak processing. The most important application in the group is a billing report written in Java that accesses multiple data sources and often runs for several hours.

Which is the MOST cost-effective solution?

A. Deploy a separate AWS Lambda function tor each application. Use AWS CloudTrail logs and Amazon CloudWatch alarms to verify completion of critical jobs.

B. Deploy Amazon ECS containers on Amazon EC2 with Auto Scaling configured for memory utilization of 75%. Deploy an ECS task for each application being migrated with ECS task scaling. Monitor services and hosts by using Amazon CloudWatch.

C. Deploy AWS Elastic Beanstalk for each application with Auto Scaling to ensure that all requests have sufficient resources. Monitor each AWS Elastic Beanstalk deployment by using CloudWatch alarms.

D. Deploy a new Amazon EC2 instance cluster that co-hosts all applications by using EC2 Auto Scaling and Application Load Balancers. Scale cluster size based on a custom metric set on instance memory utilization. Purchase 3-year Reserved Instance reservations equal to the GroupMaxSize parameter of the Auto Scaling group.

Correct Answer: B


Elastic Beanstalk automatically uses Amazon CloudWatch to help you monitor your application and environment status.

You can navigate to the Amazon CloudWatch console to see your dashboard and get an overview of all of your resources as well as your alarms. You can also choose to view more metrics or add custom metrics.

Question 5:

A company has five development teams that have each created five AWS accounts to develop and host applications. To track spending, the development teams log in to each account every month, record the current cost from the AWS Billing and Cost Management console, and provide the information to the company\’s finance team.

The company has strict compliance requirements and needs to ensure that resources are created only in AWS Regions in the United States. However, some resources have been created in other Regions.

A solutions architect needs to implement a solution that gives the finance team the ability to track and consolidate expenditures for all the accounts. The solution also must ensure that the company can create resources only in Regions in the United States.

Which combination of steps will meet these requirements in the MOST operationally efficient way? (Select THREE.)

A. Create a new account to serve as a management account. Create an Amazon S3 bucket for the finance learn Use AWS Cost and Usage Reports to create monthly reports and to store the data in the finance team\’s S3 bucket.

B. Create a new account to serve as a management account. Deploy an organization in AWS Organizations with all features enabled. Invite all the existing accounts to the organization. Ensure that each account accepts the invitation.

C. Create an OU that includes all the development teams. Create an SCP that allows the creation of resources only in Regions that are in the United States. Apply the SCP to the OU.

D. Create an OU that includes all the development teams. Create an SCP that denies (he creation of resources in Regions that are outside the United States. Apply the SCP to the OU.

E. Create an 1AM role in the management account Attach a policy that includes permissions to view the Billing and Cost Management console. Allow the finance learn users to assume the role. Use AWS Cost Explorer and the Billing and Cost Management console to analyze cost.

F. Create an 1AM role in each AWS account. Attach a policy that includes permissions to view the Billing and Cost Management console. Allow the finance team users to assume the role.

Correct Answer: BCE

AWS Organizations is a service that enables you to consolidate multiple AWS accounts into an organization that you create and centrally manage. By creating a management account and inviting all the existing accounts to join the organization, the solutions architect can track and consolidate expenditures for all the accounts using AWS Cost Management tools such as AWS Cost Explorer and AWS Budgets. An organizational unit (OU) is a group of accounts within an organization that can be used to apply policies and simplify management. A service control policy (SCP) is a type of policy that you can use to manage permissions in your organization. By creating an OU that includes all the development teams and applying an SCP that allows the creation of resources only in Regions that are in the United States, the solutions architect can ensure that the company meets its compliance requirements and avoids unwanted charges from other Regions. An IAM role is an identity with permission policies that determine what the identity can and cannot do in AWS. By creating an IAM role in the management account and allowing the finance team users to assume it, the solutions architect can give them access to view the Billing and Cost Management console without sharing credentials or creating additional users. References: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/organizations/latest/userguide/orgs_introduction.html https://docs.aws.amazon.com/organizations/latest/userguide/orgs_manage_policie s_scp.html https://docs.aws.amazon.com/IAM/latest/UserGuide/id_roles.html https://docs.aws.amazon.com/aws-cost-management/latest/userguide/what-is-costmanagement.html

Question 6:

A financial company needs to create a separate AWS account for a new digital wallet application. The company uses AWS Organizations to manage its accounts. A solutions architect uses the 1AM user Supportl from the management account to create a new member account with [email protected] as the email address.

What should the solutions architect do to create IAM users in the new member account?

A. Sign in to the AWS Management Console with AWS account root user credentials by using the 64-character password from the initial AWS Organizations email [email protected]. Set up the IAM users as required.

B. From the management account, switch roles to assume the OrganizationAccountAccessRole role with the account ID of the new member account. Set up the IAM users as required.

C. Go to the AWS Management Console sign-in page. Choose “Sign in using root account credentials.” Sign in in by using the email address [email protected] and the management account\’s root password. Set up the IAM users as required.

D. Go to the AWS Management Console sign-in page. Sign in by using the account ID of the new member account and the Supportl IAM credentials. Set up the IAM users as required.

Correct Answer: D

The best solution is to turn on the Concurrency Scaling feature for the Amazon Redshift cluster. This feature allows the cluster to automatically add additional capacity to handle bursts of read queries without affecting the performance of write queries. The additional capacity is transparent to the users and is billed separately based on the usage. This solution meets the business requirements of servicing read and write queries at all times and is also cost-effective compared to the other options, which involve provisioning additional resources or resizing the cluster. References: Amazon Redshift Documentation, Concurrency Scaling in Amazon Redshift

Question 7:

A team of data scientists is using Amazon SageMaker instances and SageMaker APIs to train machine learning (ML) models. The SageMaker instances are deployed in a VPC that does not have access to or from the internet. Datasets for ML model training are stored in an Amazon S3 bucket. Interface VPC endpoints provide access to Amazon S3 and the SageMaker APIs.

Occasionally, the data scientists require access to the Python Package Index (PyPl) repository to update Python packages that they use as part of their workflow. A solutions architect must provide access to the PyPI repository while ensuring that the SageMaker instances remain isolated from the internet.

Which solution will meet these requirements?

A. Create an AWS CodeCommit repository for each package that the data scientists need to access. Configure code synchronization between the PyPl repository and the CodeCommit repository. Create a VPC endpoint for CodeCommit.

B. Create a NAT gateway in the VPC. Configure VPC routes to allow access to the internet with a network ACL that allows access to only the PyPl repository endpoint.

C. Create a NAT instance in the VPC. Configure VPC routes to allow access to the internet. Configure SageMaker notebook instance firewall rules that allow access to only the PyPI repository endpoint.

D. Create an AWS CodeArtifact domain and repository. Add an external connection for public:pypi to the CodeArtifact repository. Configure the Python client to use the CodeArtifact repository. Create a VPC endpoint for CodeArtifact.

Correct Answer: D

Question 8:

A solution architect needs to deploy an application on a fleet of Amazon EC2 instances. The EC2 instances run in private subnets in An Auto Scaling group. The application is expected to generate logs at a rate of 100 MB each second on each of the EC2 instances.

The logs must be stored in an Amazon S3 bucket so that an Amazon EMR cluster can consume them for further processing The logs must be quickly accessible for the first 90 days and should be retrievable within 48 hours thereafter.

What is the MOST cost-effective solution that meets these requirements?

A. Set up an S3 copy job to write logs from each EC2 instance to the S3 bucket with S3 Standard storage Use a NAT instance within the private subnets to connect to Amazon S3. Create S3 Lifecycle policies to move logs that are older than 90 days to S3 Glacier.

B. Set up an S3 sync job to copy logs from each EC2 instance to the S3 bucket with S3 Standard storage Use a gateway VPC endpoint for Amazon S3 to connect to Amazon S3. Create S3 Lifecycle policies to move logs that are older than 90 days to S3 Glacier Deep Archive

C. Set up an S3 batch operation to copy logs from each EC2 instance to the S3 bucket with S3 Standard storage Use a NAT gateway with the private subnets to connect to Amazon S3 Create S3 Lifecycle policies to move logs that are older than 90 days to S3 Glacier Deep Archive

D. Set up an S3 sync job to copy logs from each EC2 instance to the S3 bucket with S3 Standard storage Use a gateway VPC endpoint for Amazon S3 to connect to Amazon S3. Create S3 Lifecycle policies to move logs that are older than 90 days to S3 Glacier

Correct Answer: C

Question 9:

A company is running a critical stateful web application on two Linux Amazon EC2 instances behind an Application Load Balancer (ALB) with an Amazon RDS for MySQL database The company hosts the DNS records for the application in Amazon Route 53 A solutions architect must recommend a solution to improve the resiliency of the application

The solution must meet the following objectives:


Application tier RPO of 2 minutes. RTO of 30 minutes


Database tier RPO of 5 minutes RTO of 30 minutes

The company does not want to make significant changes to the existing application architecture The company must ensure optimal latency after a failover

Which solution will meet these requirements?

A. Configure the EC2 instances to use AWS Elastic Disaster Recovery Create a cross- Region read replica for the RDS DB instance Create an ALB in a second AWS Region Create an AWS Global Accelerator endpoint and associate the endpoint with the ALBs Update DNS records to point to the Global Accelerator endpoint

B. Configure the EC2 instances to use Amazon Data Lifecycle Manager (Amazon DLM) to take snapshots of the EBS volumes Configure RDS automated backups Configure backup replication to a second AWS Region Create an ALB in the second Region Create an AWS Global Accelerator endpoint, and associate the endpoint with the ALBs Update DNS records to point to the Global Accelerator endpoint

C. Create a backup plan in AWS Backup for the EC2 instances and RDS DB instance Configure backup replication to a second AWS Region Create an ALB in the second Region Configure an Amazon CloudFront distribution in front of the ALB Update DNS records to point to CloudFront

D. Configure the EC2 instances to use Amazon Data Lifecycle Manager (Amazon DLM) to take snapshots of the EBS volumes Create a cross-Region read replica for the RDS DB instance Create an ALB in a second AWS Region Create an AWS Global Accelerator endpoint and associate the endpoint with the ALBs

Correct Answer: B

This option meets the RPO and RTO requirements for both the application and database tiers and uses tools like Amazon DLM and RDS automated backups to create and manage the backups. Additionally, it uses Global Accelerator to ensure low latency after failover by directing traffic to the closest healthy endpoint.

Question 10:

A company has an application that sells tickets online and experiences bursts of demand every 7 days. The application has a stateless presentation layer running on Amazon EC2. an Oracle database to store unstructured data catalog information, and a backend API layer. The front-end layer uses an Elastic Load Balancer to distribute the load across nine On-Demand Instances over three Availability Zones (AZs). The Oracle database is running on a single EC2 instance. The company is experiencing performance issues when running more than two concurrent campaigns. A solutions architect must design a solution that meets the following requirements:

Address scalability issues. Increase the level of concurrency. Eliminate licensing costs. Improve reliability.

Which set of steps should the solutions architect take?

A. Create an Auto Scaling group for the front end with a combination of On-Demand and Spot Instances to reduce costs. Convert the Oracle database into a single Amazon RDS reserved DB instance.

B. Create an Auto Scaling group for the front end with a combination of On-Demand and Spot Instances to reduce costs. Create two additional copies of the database instance, then distribute the databases in separate AZs.

C. Create an Auto Scaling group for the front end with a combination of On-Demand and Spot Instances to reduce costs. Convert the tables in the Oracle database into Amazon DynamoDB tables.

D. Convert the On-Demand Instances into Spot Instances to reduce costs for the front end. Convert the tables in the Oracle database into Amazon DynamoDB tables.

Correct Answer: C

Combination of On-Demand and Spot Instances + DynamoDB.

Question 11:

A company is migrating its marketing website and content management system from an on-premises data center to AWS. The company wants the AWS application to be deployed in a VPC with Amazon EC2 instances used for the web servers and an Amazon RDS instance for the database.

The company has a runbook document that describes the installation process of the on- premises system. The company would like to base the AWS system on the processes referenced in the runbook document. The runbook document describes the installation and configuration of the operating systems, network settings, the website, and content management system software on the servers After the migration is complete, the company wants to be able to make changes quickly to take advantage of other AWS features.

How can the application and environment be deployed and automated m AWS. while allowing for future changes?

A. Update the runbook to describe how to create the VPC. the EC2 instances and the RDS instance for the application by using the AWS Console Make sure that the rest of the steps in the runbook are updated to reflect any changes that may come from the AWS migration

B. Write a Python script that uses the AWS API to create the VPC. the EC2 instances and the RDS instance for the application Write shell scripts that implement the rest of the steps in the runbook Have the Python script copy and run the shell scripts on the newly created instances to complete the installation

C. Write an AWS Cloud Formation template that creates the VPC, the EC2 instances, and the RDS instance for the application Ensure that the rest of the steps in the runbook are updated to reflect any changes that may come from the AWS migration

D. Write an AWS CloudFormation template that creates the VPC the EC2 instances, and the RDS instance for the application Include EC2 user data in the AWS Cloud Formation template to install and configure the software.

Correct Answer: D

Question 12:

A company is providing weather data over a REST-based API to several customers. The API is hosted by Amazon API Gateway and is integrated with different AWS Lambda functions for each API operation. The company uses Amazon Route 53 for DNS and has created a resource record of weather.example.com. The company stores data for the API in Amazon DynamoDB tables. The company needs a solution that will give the API the ability to fail over to a different AWS Region.

Which solution will meet these requirements?

A. Deploy a new set of Lambda functions in a new Region. Update the API Gateway API to use an edge-optimized API endpoint with Lambda functions from both Regions as targets. Convert the DynamoDB tables to global tables.

B. Deploy a new API Gateway API and Lambda functions in another Region. Change the Route 53 DNS record to a multivalue answer. Add both API Gateway APIs to the answer. Enable target health monitoring. Convert the DynamoDB tables to global tables.

C. Deploy a new API Gateway API and Lambda functions in another Region. Change the Route 53 DNS record to a failover record. Enable target health monitoring. Convert the DynamoDB tables to global tables.

D. Deploy a new API Gateway API in a new Region. Change the Lambda functions to global functions. Change the Route 53 DNS record to a multivalue answer. Add both API Gateway APIs to the answer. Enable target health monitoring. Convert the DynamoDB tables to global tables.

Correct Answer: C


Question 13:

A software company needs to create short-lived test environments to test pull requests as part of its development process. Each test environment consists of a single Amazon EC2 instance that is in an Auto Scaling group.

The test environments must be able to communicate with a central server to report test results. The central server is located in an on-premises data center. A solutions architect must implement a solution so that the company can create and delete test environments without any manual intervention. The company has created a transit gateway with a VPN attachment to the on-premises network.

Which solution will meet these requirements with the LEAST operational overhead?

A. Create an AWS CloudFormation template that contains a transit gateway attachment and related routing configurations. Create a CloudFormation stack set that includes this template. Use CloudFormation StackSets to deploy a new stack for each VPC in the account. Deploy a new VPC for each test environment.

B. Create a single VPC for the test environments. Include a transit gateway attachment and related routing configurations. Use AWS CloudFormation to deploy all test environments into the VPC.

C. Create a new OU in AWS Organizations for testing. Create an AWS CloudFormation template that contains a VPC, necessary networking resources, a transit gateway attachment, and related routing configurations. Create a CloudFormation stack set that includes this template. Use CloudFormation StackSets for deployments into each account under the testing 01.1. Create a new account for each test environment.

D. Convert the test environment EC2 instances into Docker images. Use AWS CloudFormation to configure an Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS) cluster in a new VPC, create a transit gateway attachment, and create related routing configurations. Use Kubernetes to manage the deployment and lifecycle of the test environments.

Correct Answer: B

This option allows the company to use a single VPC to host multiple test environments that are isolated from each other by using different subnets and security groups1. By including a transit gateway attachment and related routing configurations, the company can enable the test environments to communicate with the central server in the on-premises data center through a VPN connection2. By using AWS CloudFormation to deploy all test environments into the VPC, the company can automate the creation and deletion of test environments without any manual intervention3. This option also minimizes the operational overhead by reducing the number of VPCs, accounts, and resources that need to be managed. References: Working with VPCs and subnets Working with transit gateways Working with AWS CloudFormation stacks

Question 14:

A company is running a two-tier web-based application in an on-premises data center. The application layer consists of a single server running a stateful application. The application connects to a PostgreSQL database running on a separate server The application\’s user base is expected to grow significantly, so the company is migrating the application and database to AWS The solution will use Amazon Aurora PostgreSQL. Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling, and Elastic Load Balancing.

Which solution will provide a consistent user experience that will allow the application and database tiers to scale?

A. Enable Aurora Auto Scaling for Aurora Replicas. Use a Network Load Balancer with the least outstanding requests routing algorithm and sticky sessions enabled

B. Enable Aurora Auto Scaling for Aurora writers. Use an Application Load Balancer with the round robin routing algorithm and sticky sessions enabled

C. Aurora Auto Scaling for Aurora Replicas. Use an Application Load Balancer with the round robin routing algorithm and sticky sessions enabled.

D. Aurora Auto Scaling for Aurora writers. Use a Network Load Balancer with the least outstanding requests routing algorithm and sticky sessions enabled.

Correct Answer: C

Aurora Auto Scaling enables your Aurora DB cluster to handle sudden increases in connectivity or workload. When the connectivity or workload decreases, Aurora Auto Scaling removes unnecessary Aurora Replicas so that you don\’t pay for unused provisioned DB instances

Question 15:

A developer reports receiving an Error 403: Access Denied message when they try to download an object from an Amazon S3 bucket. The S3 bucket is accessed using an S3 endpoint inside a VPC. and is encrypted with an AWS KMS key. A solutions architect has verified that (he developer is assuming the correct IAM role in the account that allows the object to be downloaded. The S3 bucket policy and the NACL are also valid. Which additional step should the solutions architect take to troubleshoot this issue?

A. Ensure that blocking all public access has not been enabled in the S3 bucket.

B. Verify that the IAM rote has permission to decrypt the referenced KMS key.

C. Verify that the IAM role has the correct trust relationship configured.

D. Check that local firewall rules are not preventing access to the S3 endpoint.

Correct Answer: B

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